
Our daily 2
Our daily 2

our daily 2

We recognize God as our provider and rely on Him to meet our daily needs. Jesus was perhaps alluding to God’s provision of manna, which was given every day in the desert (Exodus 16:4-12 Deuteronomy 8:3 John 6:31). The first, and most obvious, meaning of this request is that God would sustain us physically. One portion of the prayer says, "Give us today our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). The prayer is recorded in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. Many recite it in unison as a form of liturgy others meditate on each portion in their private time with God or view it is a model of the components of prayer.


  • Guests cannot surpass 6 AM/PM and 2 regional passes per month.The Lord’s Prayer, the prayer Jesus used to instruct His followers how to pray, is well known among Christians.
  • Ride to work before* guest receives first paycheck.
  • Regional Pass - DCTA, Dallas, Fort Worth for one day (if available).

  • Local Day Pass - DCTA for one full day (if available).
  • our daily 2

    AM/PM passes - DCTA for either morning or afternoon.Whether you are a guest or a volunteer, we think you will find that this place feels like home.

    our daily 2

    Through continuing relationships with our founding churches and fostering new contacts, we have developed a real community here. The meal program at Our Daily Bread is 21 years strong, but we now provide so much more than a nutritious meal. Serving and preparing food, sorting and organizing, donations, cleaning, and assisting with additional guest services are some of our volunteer opportunity options.

    our daily 2

    There are daily opportunities for volunteering in various areas at both our Main Site and Shelter. We log approximately 30,000 volunteer hours per year. Volunteers are vital to the success of our program. In addition, we provide meals everyday for guests in our transitional housing program located at a local motel. Andrew Presbyterian Church, and we have expanded our meal service to include dinner at our shelter seven nights per week. We serve breakfast and lunch six days a week at our Main Site inside St. Our Daily Bread serves over 600 meals daily to the homeless and at-risk in Denton County and has been doing so for over 20 years. As one organization, we connect our guests to a community and resources that will move them forward toward meaningful, independent living. Then in 2020 Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach Center joined together with a single purpose - to offer help and hope to those in need of food, shelter, and care. These include assistance to procure housing, IDs, transportation, food stamps, and social security hygiene services providing showers, hygiene items, clothing, and laundry vouchers and wellness resources which comprise medical screenings, assistance acquiring health insurance, and/or prescriptions, and counseling. Over time both organizations expanded the services offered to their guests to be more than just a place to eat or sleep. Monsignor King Outreach Center began in 2009 when Monsignor Charles King opened the doors of his church to shelter the homeless during a cold winter. Our Daily Bread was birthed in 2000 through a collaboration of area churches with the vision to feed the hungry and homeless in our community.

    Our daily 2